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Welcome to Laughspot's MadLibs !

Simply fill in the blanks below with whatever words you like. When you're done, hit the "See the Results!" button, and your choices will be inserted into a randomly-chosen story. What you've written may end up being fantastic, screamingly funny, shocking, silly, crazy or just plain dumb. It all depends upon the words you've chosen and how they "fit" into the story!

In case you've forgotten what the various parts of speech are, here's a quick review of the basics:

  • A noun is the name of a person, place or thing. Examples include umbrella, sidewalk, telephone and policeman.
  • An adjective describes someone or something. Examples include creative, red, ugly and short.
  • A verb is an action word. Examples include run, jump, swim and fly.
  • An adverb tells how something is done. It modifies a verb, and usually ends in "ly." Examples include greedily, rapidly, modestly and carefully.


Adjective #1:

Astrological sign:

Name of someone you would like to date:


Number between 1 and 100:

Place you would like to visit:

Verb #1:

Word that ends with -ly:

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